3x3 Rubik's cube method
3x3 Stage 1 - Solve thttth White Cross
To make a WHITE Cross with Edge pieces matching the Center pieces.
PART 1: Making the Daisy
- Hold the Cube with the YELLOW Center on the UP face.
- Find the 4 Edge pieces that have a WHITE tile and place them so the WHITE tile is on the UP face. The WHITE tiles on the Edge pieces should go around the YELLOW Center to make the daisy. IT doesn't matter if the other color tile on the Edge piece matches anything.
Sometimes when you place the Edge, the WHITE tile is not on the UP face.
For example, you do this: and get this:
Sometimes when you place the Edge, the WHITE tile is not on the UP face.
For example, you do this: and get this:
To flip the Edge, hold the Cube so the Edge that needs to be flipped is on the RIGHT (R) face and then make these turns:
When you have placed all 4 WHITE Edges on the UP face, the UP face will look like this:
Part 2: Making the WHITE Cross
- Look at the FRONT face of the Cube.
- If the FRONT tile of the UP Edge piece does not match the Center tile color, turn the UP face until it does. If it does, skip to step 3.
3. Make 2 FRONT face turns so the WHITE tile is now on the DOWN face.
4. Repeat these two moves until all the WHITE tiles are on the DOWN face.
5. Turn your Cube over to reveal your WHITE cross. It's ok if you have more WHITE pieces on the face with the WHITE Cross.
3x3 Stage 2 - Solve the White Corners
Holding Your Cube
The WHITE cross is on UP face while you are solving the WHITE Corner pieces.
Solving the WHITE Corners
- Corner pieces will have one WHITE side plus 2 other colors
- Rotate the DOWN (D) face until a corner is directly below its intended location by matching the colored tiles to the centers of the faces the corner is between. In these examples, the RED-BLUE-WHITE corner is between the RED and BLUE face.
If your Cube looks like this, with the WHITE tile on the FRONT face:
If your Cube looks like this, with the WHITE tile on the RIGHT face:
If your Cube looks like this, with the WHITE tile on the DOWN face:
- Repeat Stage 3 for all 4 Corners
If a Corner with a WHITE tile is in the UP face, move it to the BOTTOM layer.
3x3 Stage 3 - Solve the Middle Layer
Holding Your Cube
With the COMPLETED WHITE LAYER on the BOTTOM, now you have to solve the middle layer, which means positioning the “edge pieces” in the correct place.
- Notice the vertical row of blue (this could be red, orange, green) - THIS IS CRITICAL!
- Create a vertical line by rotating the top (U) face until the front color of the edge piece on the top (U) face without yellow on it matches a side center piece. The color on the edge piece's top (U) face will determine the direction the edge piece should move.
1. If you're moving the edge piece in the same direction as indicated here…
... then follow the sequential moves pictured below:
2. If you're moving the edge piece in the same direction as indicated here ...
... then follow the sequential moves pictured below:
Continue these steps until all the edge pieces are in the correct position.
NOTE: If one of the edge pieces is already in the middle row, but in the wrong position, then do either one of the sequential moves, and it will move to the top layer. Then you can do the appropriate sequential moves to position it in the correct location of the middle layer.
3x3 Stage 4 - Solve the Yellow Face
Get the yellow cross
Holding Your Cube
- Match the yellow pattern on the top (U) face of your cube to one of the yellow patterns shown on the cubes below.
- Then follow the correct sequence.
Yellow edge pieces on the top (U) face do NOT need to match on the side pieces… yet!
1st Step: Make a Yellow Cross
State 1.
Proceed to the 2nd Step, below.
State 2.
Then match the result to State 3 or 4, hold the cube to match that State and do that sequence.
State 3.
State 4.
2nd Step: Make All the Corners Yellow
NOW look at the top (U) face and match your top (U) face to one of the states below.
State 1.
If No Corner Cubes are Yellow on the top (U) face, you must have Yellow LeftCorner on Left Face as shown
State 2.
If One Corner Cube is Yellow match your top (U) face as shown and do the sequence below.
State 3. If any Two Corner Cubes are Yellow don't worry about their position. You MUST match the front (F) face with a yellow left corner as shown.
Do this sequence 1, 2 or 3 times to achieve a complete yellow top (U) face. After each sequence, orient the cube to REMATCH the top (U) face to the appropriate state and repeat the sequence until all corners are yellow.
3x3 Stage 5 - Position the Yellow Corners and Edges
Position the Yellow Corners Correctly
Your goal for this stage:
Holding Your Cube
While holding your cube as shown, here:
NOW twist the top (U) face until at least 2 corners are in the right location. 2 Corners MUST be in the right location as A, B or A, D or B, C as shown, below. If all 4 corners are in the right place then proceed to the 2nd Step.
1st Step: Position yellow corners correctly
While holding your cube as shown above, look at the top (U) face. Place the 2 correct corners in the back A, B or diagonally A, D or B, C across from each other.
If corners A and B are in the right place then switch C and D, do the sequence below:
If you need to switch diagonal corners like B and C or C and A, then do the sequence once. Then, orient the cube so the 2 correct corners are in the back and do the sequence again.
If your cube looks like this picture, you can move to the 2nd Step
2nd Step: Position the yellow edges correctly
Your goal for this step is:
If 1 edge is correct and 3 edges are incorrect, orient the cube so the face with the correct edge is the back (B) face. Then, determine if the edge pieces need to move clockwise or counter-clockwise and do the correct sequence below.
If all 4 edges are incorrect, then do either sequence below once, and then determine what direction the three edge pieces need to move and do the correct sequence below.
To cycle E F G Clockwise or E F G H Clockwise
To cycle E F G Counter-Clockwise or E F G H Counter-Clockwise
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