
Showing posts from November, 2018

3x3 Rubik's cube method

                   BUY NOW 3x3 Stage 1 - Solve thttth White Cross Goal: To make a WHITE Cross with Edge pieces matching the Center pieces. PART 1: Making the Daisy Hold the Cube with the YELLOW Center on the UP face. Find the 4 Edge pieces that have a WHITE tile and place them so the WHITE tile is on the UP face. The WHITE tiles on the Edge pieces should go around the YELLOW Center to make the daisy. IT doesn't matter if the other color tile on the Edge piece matches anything.   Tips: Sometimes when you place the Edge, the WHITE tile is not on the UP face.  For example, you do this:   and get this:  To flip the Edge, hold the Cube so the Edge that needs to be flipped is on the RIGHT (R) face and then make these turns:  When you have placed all 4 WHITE Edges on the UP face, the UP face will look like this: Part 2: Making the WHITE Cross Look at the FRONT face of the Cube...

War between the Iraqis and Syrians

This war between the Iraqis and Syrians began from the late 1880s. This war began from the persian war also known as THE GULF WAR [The war between the Iraqis and the Kuwaitis]. HISTORY---                       At the request of the Kuwaitis, Kuwait had become a British Protectorate in 1889. British forces protected the area until 1923, when borders were drawn between Iraq and Kuwait in 1923. On June 19, 1961 British protection ended and Kuwait joined the Arab League. Iraq objected strongly and claimed that Kuwait was a part of its territory. Kuwait formed its own Constitution on January 1963. Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein wanted to regain that lost land from Kuwait for Iraq and so he invaded. LEADING UP TO WAR---                                              On August 2, 1990 Iraqi forces invaded Kuwait. Iraqi dic...

How to start your day?

Below you’ll find nine morning habits to start the day right. 1.  Wake Up Early . Early risers reap many benefits. Some of these benefits include the following: Being able to go through your morning routine in a calm and leisurely manner instead of  running around like a chicken with its head cut off  being rushed. Having time for introspection and getting yourself in the right frame of mind. The quiet morning hours are a great time to get things done. You can get an early start on your goals, such as getting daily exercise or tackling a 30-day challenge. Waking up early will also allow you to practice the eight habits explained below, which will help you to start your day in high spirits, ready to tackle anything that life throws at you throughout the day 2.  Smile and Think Something Positive. As soon as you wake up, smile. Scientists have discovered that  smiling does all of the following  for you: When you smile your body releases the f...

What is a blog anyway?

In short,   a blog is a type of website that focuses mainly on written content , also known as blog posts. In popular culture we most often hear about news blogs or celebrity blog sites, but as you’ll see in this guide, you can start a successful blog on just about any topic imaginable. Bloggers often write from a personal perspective that allows them to connect directly with their readers. In addition, most blogs also have a “comments” section where readers can correspond with the blogger. Interacting with your readers in the comments section helps to further the connection between the blogger and the reader. This direct connection to the reader is one of the main benefits of starting a blog. This connection allows you to interact and share ideas with other like-minded people. It also allows you to build trust with your readers. Having the trust and loyalty of your readers also opens up the door to making money from your blog, which is something I discuss later in this guide...

Futures Market

What is the 'Futures Market' A futures market is an  auction market  in which participants buy and sell commodity and futures contracts for delivery on a specified future date. Examples of futures markets are the New York Mercantile Exchange, the Kansas City Board of Trade, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the Chicago Board of Options Exchange and the Minneapolis Grain Exchange. Originally, trading was carried on through open yelling and hand signals in a trading pit, though in the 21st century, like most other markets, futures exchanges are mostly electronic. BREAKING DOWN 'Futures Market' In order to understand fully what a futures market it is, it’s important to understand the basics of  futures contracts , the assets traded in these markets.  Futures contracts are made in an attempt by producers and suppliers of  commodities  to avoid market volatility. These producers and suppliers negotiate contr...


Day 1: Push Barbell Bench Press - 4 sets x 8-12 reps Incline Barbell Bench Press - 4 sets x 8-12 reps Standing Overhead Press - 4 sets x 8-12 reps Close-grip Bench Press - 4 sets x 8-12 reps Dips (or pushups) between 2 chairs - 3 sets x to failure Lying Leg Raises - 5 sets x 12 reps Run (outside) - 30 minutes  Day 2: Legs Squats - 5 sets x 12 reps ​ Deadlifts – 5 sets x 5 reps Front Squats - 4 sets x 10-12 reps Stiff Legged Deadlifts - 4 sets x 10-12 reps Standing Calve Raises w/ Barbell - 5 sets x 15 reps Crunches - 5 sets x 12 reps Day 3: Pull Pullups (using a doorway pull-up bar or a barbell set high on a squat rack) - 3 x to failure Barbell Rows - 4 sets x 8-12 reps T-Bar Rows - 5 sets 8-12 reps Chin-ups (using a doorway pull-up bar or a barbell set high on a squat rack) - 3 sets x to failure Barbell Bicep Curl - 8 sets x 8-12 reps Side Lying Planks - 30 seconds each side for 3 sets total Jump rope - 20 minutes Day 4: Off


NO. 1: HOW MUCH SPACE DO I NEED TO SET UP A HOME GYM? Space is the major determining factor in your home gym. Ideally a garage, basement or spare bedroom will make for a perfect workout room. You want enough room to fit your basic equipment; at a minimum, you should be able to fit an Olympic barbell. You also want to be aware of the flooring. If you live in an apartment building, it may not be wise to set up an area for deadlifts (unless you live on the bottom level). Be wary of any windows; make sure they’re not in the way of where you will be setting up your equipment. Make sure the room has proper ventilation to keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter (although portable heaters and fans can be used).  An example of a bad space would be a hallway or walkway of any kind. NO. 2: HOW MUCH WILL IT COST TO SET UP A HOME GYM? It can get pricey if you let it. Remember: It’s an investment at first, but using it every day will quickly make it a bargain compared...


What’s Your Learning Style? Studying does not have to be a difficult process. The biggest mistake people make is developing a study plan that is different from the way they learn best. Not only are they trying to learn new information, but they are trying to adapt to a new way to learn that information too! Make it easy on yourself. Ask yourself a simple question: Are you a visual (see), auditory (hear), or kinesthetic (hands-on) learner? What if you aren’t sure what category of learning you fall into? Well, think back to all those classes you have taken throughout your academic career. There were forms of learning that came much easier to you than other forms. There’s your learning style. Develop study skills that are tailored to your unique style of learning to achieve more productive results. How to Successfully Study It does not matter whether you are writing an English literature paper, reviewing algebra problems, or finishing up a chemistry lab report. There are a f...

How to Stay Healthy After 40?

Turning 40 is a milestone that should be celebrated, but it can also signal an age when some health conditions start creeping up. It's time to look at your health and lifestyle and take stock of what is beneficial and what should be changed. Many people this age put their health aside to tend to aging parents, demanding jobs or growing children, but it is important to take a deep breath, plan for the future and ensure optimal well-being. Explore family history to get more information about which diseases and conditions run in the family. Go back three generations for a complete record, recommends Genetics Home Reference. Knowing your history can provide key info so your physician can recommend preventative measures to reduce the risk of conditions such as heart attack, stroke and different types of cancer. Learn your numbers to better understand personal risk for chronic diseases. Ask your doctor to measure levels for blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and triglycerides....